Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hitting San Rafael

My second letter boxing experience was today. It was a spur of the moment decision, I headed over the Marin to meet up with Qbert to go hunting in San Rafael.

We started with the idea that we would hunt down six or seven. We have high expectations and a few were indoors, so why not? Q knows San Rafael better then I do, so he found a place to park by several and we decided to explore the area by foot. We went to our first indoor box, which was supervised by librarians. The one that Q asked has no idea what he was talking about, but luckily the lady nearby knew and got it for us.

The next few we found no problem, and I got a few cool pictures in the meanwhile...We also stumbled upon our first problem. We followed rather fun puzzle clues... only to find no box. We searched the surrounding area for a good 15 minutes with no luck. We came to the conclusion that one of the residents of the park must have taken it, because we saw several belongings nearby.

We saved the best for last, Q was super excited about going to San Quentin Point. I was a little nervous, it is right by a major prison after all. But I had never even thought about getting off at the exit before, so I was a little excited as well. Wow, what a view! I can see why people are so willing to live next to the prison.

Unfortunately, the tree the box was in was chopped and piled nicely on the point. This is one that we have to go to again if it is ever replanted

Final count of the day:
5 found
3 attemped

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