Maple and I went on a walk today at the Bay Trail in American Canyon. The parking lot is on the corner of Wetlands Road and Eucalyptus Drive. It is a nice walk, 1.4 miles out and on a flat path. It was a bit windy, but we hoped that the birds would still be out.
We followed the trail and to out right we saw a water area with a few birds. Maple's attention was drawn to the paved section of the road. "Did you hear that?" She asked me. Of course I didn't hear her, I was busy counting the sections. I got up to nine until I ran into her.

"See that pile of rocks between the 3rd and 4th post to the left of the path?" I nodded "I think there is something under there.

We continued on our walk and passed the trail marker that said .8 miles from trail head, .6 to River view. The water was to our left now, and a lovely ditch to our right. "Stilts!" Maple exclaimed. She really likes how they do a thing with their head. Just past the water there was post.

I had to stop and fix my shoe, and something caught Maple's eye. "I think it might be a baby stilt!" she whispered. Of course we had to get a closer look, and there was something there!

Continuing on there was a cute jackrabbit on the path leading us to the Dr. Seuss trees.

They had giant prehistoric Aloe plants by them. In the plant right next to the trail we thought we heard some quacking. I checked it out and we found a literate bird! I'm guessing it's literate, it's the only one we found with a book.

As we were nearing the glass beach we started talking about the trip that we took earlier in the summer to Alaska. We were lucky to see lots of different birds there that we had never seen before. We had just reached the end of the trail when I heard something. I looked out over this view:

I swore I heard something in the clump of rocks pictured. I got closer, and under rocks and a piece of wood we found one of the birds we saw in Alaska! What a long way from home he was!

We turned around and headed back to the car. It had been a wonderful bird walk.
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