Yesterday was the Spring Luau in Napa. I've spent so much time planing, carving and planting that it seems odd that it's over. There were over twenty boxes on the trail (some that I still need to go out and get!), 14 and under boxes that were a hit with the kids, HIPS boxes (that people are really getting good at hiding!) and about 60 people. Only one person ended up in the pool, and it wasn't Carole! :) I tried to get everyone in a picture, and looking through them I failed to get Blackmagic, The Olde Oak, Camp Fire Girl, and Grinch (I caught Grumpy). I know Deniserows snapped a few of me, we'll see if they turn up anytime soon. :)
I had a great time meeting and talking to everyone yesterday, and I hope that everyone had as much fun as I did!
The photos I took are too big to load up on AQ, so here are my photos from the day:
Ginine from Blue Rose Gang, The Monkeys and Pink Chablis chatting and getting ready to exchange. Rumors are that Pink Chablis got a cootie for the first time, so beware!
Getting down to business of stamping and chatting, YosemiteMJD and 2hearts are 1.
Tallgirl, Lisascenic, Public Hand, Butterfly Sal and multiple HIPS.
Butterfly Sal, 2hearts are one, Winged Gypsy Grumpy and art Trekker (in the corner)
Puppychups, Momskie and Old Blue relaxing by the pool
Lisascenic and Mathhead
Doublesaj and Carole of Da Kool Kats
The Gazebo
Lost Sailor, Special, Smile, Teacher Lady and Neon Mermaid
ElizabethB, DJ Ortho and Sailing Ron
The Long dogs and Sarah of Dubbie Dots
Adios, Dbare, Sailing Ron and Wendy
Ginine of Blue Rose Gang, and Teacher lady
Elizabeth and DJ Ortho taking a break
Public Hand, explaining something important (possibly letter boxing lineage) Dbare and The Monkeys.

Mamabear23cubs, Gary of Da Kool Kats and JJ.
Public Hand and the littlest Dubbie Dot, Patrick. Muchachos
in the background
Thank you all for the great day, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon!
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