Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planting Day!

Maple and I have been talking about doing a Children's book series for months, and we finally picked a day to go planting. The last time we went letterboxing we made a stop and got some more boxes, as well and spray paint. I had been using duct tape, but I thought I'd try out the spray paint as a time saver, and so see it it helped the seal of the boxes.

Of course spray painting boxes take some thinking ahead, so this is what I was up to a few days before we went planting:

What fun this was! So much quicker than tape too!

I had most of my stamps carved, since we had been planning this since the summer but I had to get everything else done...
I tend to spread out..

Of course Maple was all ready to go and I had to finish everything, but we worked together and in no time we were ready to plant! Well sort of...

I had the great idea to go pick up two stamps that at one time or another I heard were missing, or people found it hard to find. So we went hiking in the fog to go check on them/ pick them up. turned out one was missing. well not so much missing as fell to a point in the knot hole we couldn't get to. One day when that tree dies and it decomposing someone is going to get a surprise! The one that we did snag got replanted in an easier area elsewhere in town and got a slightly new name.

We had fun checking out little neighborhood parks we didn't know so well, and spreading our favorite characters around town. Maple had a great idea to plant Pinkalious and her cupcake near a bakery down town. After we planted both stamps, and were at the last park of the day I realized that Corduroy was in a bigger box than I remember putting him in. Oh no! When I put the name of the stamps on the bottom of the boxes I switched them! So now Corduroy is by the cupcake and Pink is in a park. We had a good laugh about that, and I think they will stay that way.

As it always goes with Maple and I we have bigger plans than we can do- so we both still have one stamp already made up and ready to plant and I have the second of a set to carve so I can plant those two. I am amazed at how quickly people have come up to get the new boxes, and I look forward to extending out unofficial series into the quieter areas of American Canyon and possibly further upvalley.

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